We call this spring semester, but it looks very snowy as I write this. In Minnesota, actual spring is victory in a battle fought through our long wintry months. Actual spring is a time of growth and renewal, a time of creation and creativity, a time of beauty and joy. And even though it might seem like a stretch, we can see those “actual spring” attributes here in UGE, even at the beginning of spring semester, even if it is snowing.
Let’s name a few:
- Every spring we recruit a new class of students. What could be a surer sign of renewal?
- Every spring we graduate and send out into the world a new cohort of alumni. They are a joy for us and their families.
- Our Career Readiness Initiative is going live this spring after months of preparation by dozens of UGE staff. We are growing our programming through creative collaborations.
- This spring we are devising strategies to help our international students feel at home and be successful: UGE creativity at work!
- This spring we are launching new processes for scholarships and class search. It takes a real nerd to see an elegant process as a thing of beauty, but hey, I’m a nerd.
- Do you have any idea how many babies we’re expecting in UGE this spring? Creation, Renewal, Beauty, and Joy (and more than a few nights of lost sleep). #FutureGopher
That was getting a little maudlin, so let’s pick up the tempo before I close. I am energized by what we can accomplish this semester. On top of all of the many day-to-day things that we do, by commencement this spring we will have:
- Rolled out Career Readiness and be receiving our first student feedback.
- Worked through our first recruiting cycle with our new transfer team and have plans for regularizing the Transfer Semester Experience.
- Hired a new director of diversity, equity, and access and be working on new programming to support our students.