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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dean's Freshman Research and Creative Scholars Reception

Monday, December 5 was our day to recognize our 2015-16 Dean’s Freshman Research and Creative Scholars program student scholars, thank the many wonderful faculty who mentored them, and inspire the 2016-17 scholars to dive into their projects, reach outside their comfort zones, and do great things.

Dean John Coleman introduced the program, and we had remarks from Professor Rob Warren (Sociology and Director of the Minnesota Population Center) and Lydia Eichelberg (sophomore majoring in Psychology who was Rob’s mentee last spring). All three shared great examples of how student research goes far beyond core academics to build important competencies for our students. Lydia specifically mentioned public speaking and time management among those extras that came along with her census and genealogically-based research on social mobility of women scientists in the early 20th century.

Here are a few quick snapshots from the event.

Lydia speaking to the attendees.

Here are some students sharing posters describing their projects:

Garrett Schwartz (mentor Matt McGue, Psychology)

Katherine Baldwin (mentor Gilliane Monnier, Anthropology)

Kithica Dutta (mentor Jessica Brown, SLHS)

And finally, the people who made the event possible: Barb Schwab, Renee Dillon, and Katie Clark. Many thanks for their hard work and long hours in creating a great event.